Category Archives: Race


Captured on my phone. Wondering what this ment

Race Blog Shades of Noir (SoN) website

The Shades of Noir (SoN) website is a great tool exploring social justice in education and identity. It’s an amazing programme that provides safe spaces and offers critical discussions plus opportunities. Exploring reflections of life with a growing community focusing on Equality and Diversity.  

I could share the information as an additional support link to all students. By sharing this resource, the students could explore the service and concepts they have available. With insightful journals and work from students sharing their experiences there will defiantly be great substance and valuable insights to learn from. Introducing some of the previous TW students to share and join a workshop on the course to support, share and highlight positive outcomes their journey.

It would be good to present a number of small mockup scenarios for the students to read in small groups and discuss the appropriate way or the best methods to deal with the situations on helping a diverse group. I am also aware that the Shades of Noir team have supported and represent many ethnicities. This organisation provides a lot of support to students through Pedagogies of social justice through representation and Cultural currency plus more.

If it wasn’t for TW I would defiantly not be on this PgCert course today. It’s sad that my group will be the last one. I just made it in. In this world, not everything will be perfect, but there is a saying 2 heads are better than one. One person’s strength can be the other person weakness and vice-versa. Partnerships and communities working together build strength and unity.

‘A pedagogy of social justice education: social identity, theory and intersectionality’

I agree with Tapper Hahn, it’s a good foundation and starting point to have a level playing field regarding starting practices and models with integrated social justice education with elements of reducing conflicts between groups it will be a negative start to any situation.  

The more I read this, article about social justice in education resolving conflict between groups in theory and practice, the more I am able to recognises the same instances, familiarities of behaviors plus breakdown of communication and separations of partnerships within work places, and institutions I’ve been a part of and seen operate.

I have even witnessed some scenarios where organisations and communities have worked with one another for a number of years and eventually it’s evident that a race war was involved. A dear friend of mine shared a situation that occurred a number of years ago, luckily a community that represented her many years ago, she spoke very highly of them. She sang their praises and spoke about the amazing support and work the community had done in representing her. It turned out she was bullied because of her race, a lot of clear unfair situations and eventually the person offending was exposed, questioned and was guilty of negative actions. This was a very uncomfortable on-going conflict. Eventually people who stood for fairness was able to support and it was resolved well.

When things don’t work out what are the main reasons.
My reflections

  • 2 Strong leaders or communities either side
  • Bad intentions or negative exposures
  • Unconscious Bias
  • Racism
  • Feminism
  • Out growing the space
  • Other opportunities have presented itself
  • It was just time to call it a day
  • Strong opinions
  • Directional change
  • Social Justice issues

A strong-minded person

“On the contrary, the more radical the person is, the more fully he or she enters into reality so that, knowing it better, he or she can better transform it. This individual is not afraid to confront, to listen, to see the world unveiled’ Freire, P. (1998).

A Pedagogy of Social Justice Education states “dis- cord between groups will inevitably
continue despite practitioners’ best efforts.” Freire, P. (1998) Tapper, H (2013) 

Looking at some of the reason of the breakdown of partnerships, I could use this resource going forward to encourage students to look at the examples of the importance of collaboration, partnerships and fairness. Some projects require support from peers. Also in the future life of the students they are going to need to learn how to work in teams and share resources and equipment even desk spaces.

It’s good to start off on neutral grounds not thinking that no one is better than the other. No matter how educated we are, everyone has a weakness or undisclosed disability no one is 100% perfect. The resource also mentioned “It is impossible to think of education without thinking of power.

I’m doing the PgCert to add to my teaching experiences to grow and learn from like-minded people and to improve my academic practises.

(Freire 2006) mentioned “A teacher needs to create experiences with, and not for, students, integrating their experiences and voices into the edu- cational experience itself”  

I desire to be the teacher that wants the students to learn from me and I am happy to learn from the students. That’s how we grow. I am glad I am a person who desires the best for everyone. I believe in treating everyone fairly and with respect. My upbringing was from a stable and un racist home. 

“Teachers and facilitators are understood to be guiding, rather than leading, students through this process, assisting in steering the experience while not actually piloting it in a top-down, dictatorial manner, always using and reinforcing academic methods of critical thinking along the way”. (Freire 2006)

With Freire using methods to move his students towards freedom creating a model of an educational structure where the teacher and students constantly reflect critically. It demonstrates a balance in. I am aware that evidently there has to be a balance between the teacher and student levels. But the approach and delivery is important to allow the student to feel comfortable and approachable within in the environment and to get the best out of them. To be confident and happy at the same time.

“Witness Unconscious Bias” video.

“If an unconscious bias is really unconscious What else do we have to do and say and write and talk about and present on for intelligent people who are educating the next generation of young people and not so young people and Spear heading grounding research”. Josephine Kwhali (2018)

Looking at the content from both Kimberlé and Josephine Crenshaw, K (2018) she stated that “African American girls are 6 times more likely to be suspended than white girls, probably race and a gender problem” Josephine became conscious of racism from the age of 4. She was aware at that early age what is was. It’s a shame she had to experience that. At that age young people should be focusing on toys and play.

The big question.

Do we all need some more training? Maybe it should be a standard Continuing professional development (CPD) like the health & safety and first aid training at work. Staff training on inclusivity. Equality and diversity, focusing on areas of faith and ethnicity with content to support and inspire teachers. Although policies and procedures seem to be put in place to maintain a standard to protect and make people feel comfortable. I’ve been aware of ethnic and race circumstance where the whiteness still subtly digs in. To implement this information into my teaching we could look at percentages and situations within industries and institutions to do with race as a group.

We could look at figures like:

• How many black graduates get jobs

• How many people of colour gets attacked at work

• Percentage of Abused

What is CPD and why is it important?

“Continuing professional development (CPD) is defined as learning experiences which help you develop and improve your professional practice. This can include building on your strengths, as well as developing yourself where you have capability gaps”.

Why is CPD is necessary for professional teachers?

“It ensures teachers keep pace with the current standards of others working in education. It keeps their knowledge and skills current so they can deliver high-quality teaching and impact positively on pupil outcomes. It makes sure that they become more effective in the workplace.”

‘Retention and attainment in the disciplines: Art and Design’

I have learnt that there is an obstacle to achievement within Art and Design and wonder why the percentage of students leaving Art and Design with no award is so high. I always assumed the BAME community were automatically creative as I was aware of the stereo type while I was in school. It was always a thing the ethnic or cultural community were good with their hands or excellent at sports. Could it be that the lecturers were failing them and they weren’t getting all the support they needed? It could also be that while marking or assessing it’s not understood what is trying to be portrayed and there for not recognised as a constructive piece of work causing it to look like a failure. If students see themselves as experts, then they will probably be set in their ways.

This was my own personal reasoning then I later read that a White South African fine art student was steered away by from African inspiration and caused her to spiral into confusion If a student is also left to do project completely by themselves with little or no guidance, how would they know if they are on the right track.

I can relate to this, when I was studying my foundation course I don’t feel I has the amount of support I needed as I saw some of the other students get. I just continued hoping everything was ok and tried to understand and work towards it to the best of my ability. I am glad I am the opposite to those that are documented. I have the willingness to see students thrive with a nurturing and caring nature. Like its mentioned in the NUS (2011) report. I want to be a lecturer that is a positive role model, offering a range of perspectives that enhances learning.

I have also learnt that if you are not strong minded as a student and if you don’t believe in yourself you will be broken and manipulated down to seem less than what you actually are from lecturers that are not really supportive. Some lectures thrive on the fact that they are in charge and they have the power, displaying intimidating behaviours especially while critiquing and giving feedback.

“Art and Design educators need to be aware of the power they have in encouraging
or discouraging students to develop their own practice”
Richards, A. and Finnigan, T (2016)

With the terms of ref SON using some of the information based on race I would implement a questionnaire around black history month where there would be multiple choice questions and answers paper based around ethnicity the content is to create awareness on race and share knowledge to enlighten. Some of the answers will be talking points and it will spark great conversations for learning and development aspects.

Shirley Ann Tate was apart of the 1.7% of th UK professors by gender and bme, she has now left and gone to Canada. I wonder what the % is now?

SoN around Race

The Shades site has great content, with diverse information some of which I can relate to. The information will defiantly empower me and will be a great on a reading list resource for others to explore, to gain insight and knowledge from intersectional marginalised communities, exploring concepts of whiteness. While reading testimonies and personal experiences this will develop further understanding.

Prejudice defiantly affects a lot of people in some way shape or form and I think most of us will be able to identify a time when we have witnessed it or been a part of it. Thinking back to or relating to a time when we may have encountered this, I guess when you are from a specific race knowing that you are privileged and have never had to endure situation it could be possibly hard to relate to. Some people may tread carefully by not feeling comfortable talking about race as they don’t want to offended or possibly say the wrong things.  

“I haven’t really experienced prejudice I don’t know what it’s like to be a black female like you and you will know more about this stuff than me.” SA (2018)

Some scenarios are defiantly intentional and aggressive, I was listening to LBC radio
broad cast and they were talking about racism, within healthcare and the presenter mentioned. While he was in hospital with his mum a patient was adamant that he didn’t want to be looked after with a nurse with brown skin. The presenter’s opinion was that, your lucky to be looked after at all, if you are going to bring those attitudes into a hospital. He also mentioned whether its white privilege or not, you cannot imagine what it would be like to be that nurse in that moment”. LBC (2023)

The continued discussion from the LBC presenter about racism in healthcare lead me to look into the conversation, calling it the Institutional flavour, he mentioned new groups complaining about overseas Visa’s.

“Enter the proposal by a small group of rightwing Tory MPs complaining that the overall level of immigration into the UK has eroded public trust in the government. They want to cut the number of care home visas, thereby reducing immigration, so they say, by 82,000 people. It is like preparing for the Battle of the Somme by slashing infantry numbers. The MPs also want to cut the number of overseas students and their dependents, raise the income threshold for visas to other British jobs, and limit incoming refugees. Overall, they say, this should more than halve immigration, which in turn should make people feel better in “red wall” seats. They do not ask how people would feel in hospitals and care homes”. Jenkins, S (2023)

To integrate the research/work I could allow students to pair up and interview their
peers in the same manner from White Academia does it affect you, article, coming from, a students or privilege perspective following the layout from the article. We could also anonymise the answers. Then have a student reflection in the future.


Shades of Noir (no date) Shades Of Noir, Shades Of Noir. Available at: (Accessed: July 2023).  

Liasidou, A (2012
Intersections of disability, race, gender and class pdf  (Accessed July 2023) (2022) Two heads are better than one July 2023)

Tapper, H (2013) ‘A pedagogy of social justice education: social identity, theory and intersectionality’

Freire, P. (1998). Pedagogy of the oppressed. (New rev. 20th anniv. ed.). New York: Continuum. (Accessed July 2023) (n.d.). Witness: unconscious bias. [online] Available at: (Accessed July 8 2023)

Crenshaw, K: (2018) What is Intersectionality?
(Accessed July 2023) (n.d.). why is cpd important for teachers – Google Search. [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Jul. 2023]. (n.d.). Retention and attainment in the disciplines: Art and Design | Advance HE. [online] Available at:

Shades of Noir. Peekaboo We See You: Whiteness. ‘White academia: Doers this affect you’, by Aisha Richards, Founder of Shades of Noir. P26-3

Jenkins, S (Accessed 21 July 2023)

Elmes, J (2017)

Extended Resources The Room of Silence

The room of silence is a real thing and can be uncomfortable for students. I’ve been on both sides of the fence. Some people would rather say nothing at all, rather than offend. Not critiquing if they do not understand what is being showcased. If everyone expresses and crits then at least there is something to draw from, for everyone.

I have learnt that as a lecture or person of position and power I need to be able to understand and process different points of views, not being offensive as I should lead by example, addressing situations in a good manner. Even if it’s not my culture.  I guess in the initial beginning having conversations with students about their work and journey to allow me to see from their eyes before a final crit.

We all know that race can be a tricky subject and even trickier if people around the room does not understand the concept or art piece.

It’s got me thinking as some arts maybe easier to understand than others. Especially if you cannot relate or not from the same culture. A lecture could see it as tool for learning from others as the person creating. The student would be the expert especially if its from their heritage.

Silence can be awkward, I guess we could learn how to we crit in a positive way or even how to empower the other students piece of work making encouraging gestures. “If no one wants to say anything how are going to get feedback?” Person no2 in video (Sherrid, 2016)


Sherrid, E. (2016). The Room of Silence. [online] Vimeo. Available at: